I’ve been a “rock nerd” my whole life. I remember starting my collection with any rocks that sparkled, when I was about 5 years old. I had a rock box that I added my precious stones to. My mom used to ask, “Are you going to save those forever? What in the world are you going to do with those when you are an adult?”
I added to my rock collection in college. We went on a science excursion to a private island in the San Juans and the rocks were amazing. I collected interesting rocks that were unlike any I had found before. Soon after graduating college, I was on vacation and realized that there were entire stores dedicated to selling rocks! I was in Heaven and found that I really DID have a use for those rocks, even as an adult. My rock collection became part of my classroom and I’ve added to it for the last 20 years that I’ve been teaching.
I shared the story of my encounter with a stranger in the bookstore on my home life blog. You can read the story here. Well, the book that I fell in love with (the one that my new BFF bought for me in the bookstore) was a rock book. If Rocks Could Sing is not just any rock book. It’s an ABC book dedicated to rocks! How cool is that?
The rocks used in the book were mainly collected on a Florida beach over 10 years and they are all alphabet shaped. Maybe I am just not observant enough, but I have never seen a rock shaped like a letter of the alphabet. I think I’m on a new mission to find some though!!
I wanted to share the picture, above, because I wanted you to see the rock alphabet, but I also wanted to show the book jacket. I always love to read the book jackets and about the author information to my students. I think it is very inspiring to young writers in the classroom!
At the end of the book, the author, Leslie McGuirk, shares a bit about her love for nature, the art hidden in the little rock treasures, and the process of collecting.

I’ve recently added to my rock collection with two pieces of Obsidian
and, my new prize, a giant piece of pumice. (Yes, it really does float!)
I was inspired to purchase these pieces when we were in Sunriver, Oregon. We visited the Obsidian Lava Flow and my true rock nerd-ish-ness came out. Taking rocks from the National Park was not allowed, so I had to purchase the rocks from a rock shop in town.

The Obsidian is absolutely breathtaking. (I told you I was a rock nerd.) It just sparkled in the sun and there were mountains of it! It was like hiking across glass. It cuts like glass too, so we had to be careful.

This next picture is a combination of Pumice and Obsidian, so it doesn’t sparkle quite as much.

Honestly, this was one of the most amazing places I’ve ever been, and we just happened upon it.

So, now you can see why I was so excited to find some rocks at the rock shop and why I was thrilled to pieces to run across a stranger in a bookshop who wanted to buy me a book! I’m a rock nerd and I’m just excited to share my joy with my kids and my students.
For the record, I think my kids (especially my daughter) love rocks as much as I do.
How about you? Do you collect rocks? I know I have a couple of rock-nerd-friends who collect too. We have a whole Facebook thread where we confess our addiction to collecting. Hey, it’s not a bad hobby!
Happy rock collecting! Oh, and I hope you’ll check out that book and start your own rock collection. I know I’m on a mission to find alphabet rocks now!
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