Prepare for kindergarten with "Are We Ready"
Properties of Solids
We’ve been working in our new science unit for the past few weeks. First graders in our district study from the FOSS kit on Solids and Liquids. We’ve started by exploring matter and properties. Everything in our world is made of matter. All matter takes up space and has mass. Matter can exist in 3
Properties of Shapes
In the math unit that we just finished up, we explored properties of shapes, combined different shapes to make new shapes, and discussed what would happen if we rotate shapes. We used our workbooks to explore our pattern blocks, making hexagons with the various blocks. Then we explored how shapes can fit
Comparing and Contrasting in First Grade
It all started with a reading lesson in Compare and Contrast today. When authors compare, they show how things are alike. When authors contrast, they show how things are different. We read about butterflies and moths, and then did some comparing and contrasting. It just happened (almost like I planned it this way) that we
Writing in Early Childhood, with David Matteson
A few weeks ago, I spent my Saturday at a workshop where we studied the developmental stages of writing in early childhood. David Matteson was our presenter. I have enjoyed reading his books, watching his videos and studying his work for the past year or so, and I was thrilled to actually be learning from
Daily 5
At the beginning of the school year we started our work with Daily 3. It was an adaptation of the work done by The Sisters in their Daily 5 routine. Our Daily 3 included Read to Self, Listen to Reading, and Partner Reading. During the past week, we added our last two sections and we