You’ve met Cookie. She’s our 1 year old Holland Lop. She is the sweetest little thing ever. My daughter loves to put the harness on and take Cookie out in the grass. Cookies loves the exploration time. When we first started discussing getting a bunny, I’ll admit, my motives were as much about education as getting a cute little pet. I want my kids to experience raising a small animal. I want them to learn everything they can about the needs of our furry little friend, and take on the responsibility of caring for her.
My daughter has been so excited to learn about animal care. At least once a week, she goes to the bookshelf in our family room to find one of the rabbit books. Sometimes she looks up different veggies that Cookie might want to try. Other times, she just wants to read about rabbits and look at the pictures. Either way, it makes me happy to know that the reading she is doing is meaningful for her.
Here are a few of our favorite rabbit books.
Now, if only I could convince my hubby that chickens would be a good learning experience for my kids!