Reading on the Road

On a recent trip to the library, CC picked up a book that included a CD and checked it out without me really noticing.  She usually wonders around the children’s section bringing over books that strike her fancy until I let her know one more.  We don’t have any real “rules” about how many or how big or what section the books come from. We have come home with some very eclectic mixes and other times books that are almost painfully the same.  This visit included the book Officer Buckle and Gloria with a CD.   We popped it into the CD player and had a listen. 

I may be coming to this party late, but this changed out car ride experience.  We are listening to great stories AND being entertained while running around in our car.  Glorious!

We discovered a whole section of the library, all be it a little section, dedicated to books with accompanying CDs.  The selection seems to rotate and keep us happily entertained.  Requesting a specific book with CD is another way we have kept our reading on the road fresh. 

Here is our most recent haul.  Some were old favorites and some were completely new to us. Either way, great! 
I think this was a win for us both.  CC can listen to great literature while we are driving and there is a little less whining and complaining coming from my back seat.