Choosing Books for a Ten Year Old

I love teaching literacy in my classroom and it has always spilled over to my home life.  Our home has been filled with books, library trips, interactive writing centers, and book making.  My kids have always played along because (I think) I made it pretty fun!  Now that they are getting older, and more active, convincing my kids to curl up with a good book is next to impossible.  My daughter has to read several books this year for school, and finding a series that she likes has not been easy.  I searched for 10 books, that I thought she may like, and let her browse through them.  She set them all down and looked at me like I was crazy.  Nothing was of interest to her.

Our next stop was the local bookstore.  We asked the children’s librarian for some suggestions.  She handed us about 5 books and my daughter browsed a bit. She settled on the book Trading Faces by DeVillers and Roy.  We took it home, and she started reading right away.  To my surprise, she actually seemed to enjoy the book!  She did not choose to read for fun, but she did get through the book without complaint!  Since then, we’ve purchased a few more books in the series.

There is still not a lot of joy coming from my 10 year old, when we need to spend some time reading, but there is no whining, AND she actually told me she thought the book was pretty good!

Baby steps.
Happy reading!