I can’t say I call myself an author, but I’ve written a book! Well, not a real book. It’s an e-book. Ok, actually it’s more like an e-booklet. It’s short, sweet, and to the point.
You see, I’m a kindergarten teacher with a love of teaching literacy and early childhood. When I sent my son off to kindergarten, I was a second grade teacher and I thought I had done everything I needed to set him up for success in kindergarten. Well, friends, kindergarten has changed! It’s not about learning ABC’s and 123’s anymore. My son wasn’t as prepared as I thought he would be.
In my e-book, I share my experiences as a parent and a teacher. I give suggestions about more than just practicing letters and sounds with your kids. Kindergarten readiness is about life experiences. It’s about going to the beach, planting a garden, holding baby chicks, and running through the grass on a warm summer day. I write about some of those experiences here, on this blog. I’d love to have you join me!
Click here to download a free copy of my e-book on kindergarten readiness.
Love, Laughter, and Literacy is my new blog. It combines my passion for literacy and early childhood with my true loves which are home and family. Home is Where My Story Begins is my home life blog. I love to garden, bake, sew, paint furniture, and find new ways to create a happy home for my kids and husband. I host a linky party every Friday, if you’d like to stop by!