What We’re Reading Now

It was new book time for all of us.  My son was really interested in reading City of Ember, so we put a hold on it at the public library.  That was about a month ago, and we’re still waiting.  We finally broke down and bought it at the bookstore.  My son is a 5th grader and he’d rather be doing ANYTHING other than sitting still, reading a book.  He loves sports and enjoys being active, but we continue to encourage him to read, hoping someday he’ll find a few books he really enjoys.
My daughter spotted the Mercy Watson series on our bookshelf last week.  She looked at the cover, but wasn’t too interested.  She chose some other short books that she wanted to hear before bed (her pick), but I also pulled down the Mercy Watson books (my pick).  I like to have each of us pick a bedtime book because I know there are some books she would just never pick, but I’d really like for her to hear.  Well, after the first chapter, she was in love with this series.  We own books 1,4, and 5.  I could see she was thinking this might be a problem because she really enjoyed the first book, and books 2 and 3 were missing. She asked, “Mom, can we go to one of those libraries that you can actually BUY the books, so we’ll have all of them.” 
 I love it when my kids get excited about books.  That’s a feeling I never had as a child.  (I was a bit more like my son.)

Here’s the book I’m reading this weekend.  My hubby gave it to me for Christmas.  I love the Pioneer Woman’s blog and I love her writing style.  She’s honest, witty, and cooks some mean cowboy food.  Her book is very well written and heart warming.

Happy reading, friends!