Sunday Afternoon Project

My daughter was begging to watch TV, on Sunday afternoon. I, on the other hand, didn’t think we needed to watch TV. I suggested reading, writing, playing dolls, playing a game, but nothing seems to spark my daughter’s interest. Finally, I got the watercolor paints out of the cupboard and sat down at the kitchen table. I had a little friend joining me in about 2 seconds flat.

We played around with the salt shaker and our watercolors too. I love the way the salt makes the watercolors look.

Is there anything prettier than new paints?

An hour later, a happy little girl helped me clean up.

Happy painting.

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1 comment on “Sunday Afternoon Project”

  1. Mona

    Oh, I should do this with my kiddos too. Maybe a good thing for a rainy Monday afternoon… after we get our Valentines done of course! 🙂


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