Mud – A New Favorite Book


I love this book.  You can find it in paperback on Amazon.  I was lucky enough to stumble upon my copy in the library discard pile. 

Two weeks prior to discovering my treasure, I had attended a workshop for elementary teachers.  Katie Wood Ray (no relation to the author of Mud) was presenting a workshop on illustration study in the primary classroom.  This was one of the books, and authors, she suggested to use during illustration study.  The illustrations are done from a very interesting perspective, and very close up!  I love the bold colors the author uses too.

Another reason I suggest this book right now, is because of the seasons changing.  The book is all about the way our landscape changes when Winter thaws away and turns to Spring.  With all the rain we’ve had in the Pacific Northwest, we certainly have our share of mud!  I’ll be reading this book to my kindergarten class this week.  I’ll be checking out a few Mary Lyn Ray’s other books too.

Happy reading!