Favorite Camping Books

When we started our classroom camping unit, I looked around my classroom for camping related books.  I also purchased a few new books to go along with the unit.  Here are a few of my favorites!
The Discover Series CAMPING book is a very simple book, showing a picture of a camping related item and a word to go along with it on each page.  We did a lot of writing during Camp Read A Lot and several kids wrote camping related stories.  This book was a favorite resource because kids could use it to spell words they needed to use in their stories.
My daughter was a big fan of the Olivia series when she was younger, so we have lots of these books.  The kids loved this book because they could read it on their own too.

Oh, how I miss the days when my kids were little enough to enjoy watching Caillou!  There is always a great message in the Caillou stories.

Ok, this next book is my FAVORITE camping book!  I think we should write our own adaptation of the story and call it Mrs. Ross Goes Camping.  We wouldn’t need to change the main idea of the story too much.  Mrs. Ross does not like bugs, wild animals, sleeping outdoors, or walking to the stinky bathrooms – and Scaredy Squirrel feels the same!

I love everything about this next book.  Camping by Nancy Hundal, is a perfect story of  seeing the joy in camping and it has beautiful illustrations.  The illustrations remind me of Ted Rand’s work and he’s an illustrator that I absolutely love!  This one is a MUST BUY!

Finally, we have a terrific alphabet book with camping related words.  The kids really enjoyed this one and one of my first grade friends even tried to make her own ABC book and used this one as her inspiration.

If you have favorite camping books that were not listed here, please leave the name of the book in the comments.  These books are great to read before you take a camping trip this summer!
Happy reading (and camping)!