Comparing and Contrasting in First Grade

It all started with a reading lesson in Compare and Contrast today. When authors compare, they show how things are alike.  When authors contrast, they show how things are different. We read about butterflies and moths, and then did some comparing and contrasting.

It just happened (almost like I planned it this way) that we began a new science unit today.  Wouldn’t you know it, the lesson was about comparing and contrasting two solid objects.  We took our new-found vocabulary words and put them to good use in our science chart and Venn diagram..

The kids also worked in their science journals.  Here is one of our works-in-progress.  This little scientist was so proud that she used one of our clue words that we had talked about in our reading lesson.  The word ‘but’ can signal that we are contrasting items.  (By the way, she told me that she couldn’t color the spoon white because white doesn’t show up on white paper.  So she colored the white spoon blue and labeled it white.  I guess that’s one way to do it!)

I love the way our reading and science units just blended seamlessly today.