A Perfect Way to Spend a Sunny Day

My son has been learning about Native American history in his 4th grade class.    As a culminating activity his teachers planned a field trip to Tillicum Village.  If you’re from the Pacific Northwest, you probably know about Tillicum Village.  It’s an educational experience in Native American culture, combined with an awesome salmon bake and a beautiful boat ride over to the island. 
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They showed the kids how salmon is roasted on cedar planks.  Then we went in the long house for a salmon lunch and presentation on Native American dance and story telling.

We were able to browse through the Heritage Museum and see artifacts and beautiful totem poles.

Now, THIS is the way to spend a sunny day!

This was one of those special experiences the kids will always remember.  Their connections to the text they read and learned about in class are solidified by their real-life experience.  We are the sum of our experiences.  This was an experience these kids will feel connections to for the rest of their lives.

If you don’t live near Seattle, you will probably never be able to experience Tillicum Village like these kids did.  Every town or city has a history.  What is the history of the place you live?  What type of experiences does your town offer?  I would encourage you to explore the history, and with any luck, it will include a salmon lunch!