A New Look and Direction For Love, Laughter, and Literacy

I have a pretty new look on my blog!


What do you think?  My friend, Diane, has been helping me on the technology end of this blogging thing and she’s the brains behind this new-found beauty.  I moved from Blogger to WordPress a few months ago and I was finding it more overwhelming than I imagined.  I was about to hire someone to help me when she stopped me in my tracks and told me she could figure it out for me.  It’s great to have smart friends.

Little by little, we’ve been working to make this more of a business and less of a blogging-on-a-whim type of thing.  I have now separated my Instagram accounts.  I’m @homeiswheremystorybegins on my home account




and @lovelaughterandliteracy on my early childhood literacy account.


Instagram has now made it easier to switch between accounts, so I’ve been pretty happy with it.  I hope you’ll come find me on Instagram!

I cleaned up my Pinterest boards, but I’m leaning toward separating those too.  I’d love feedback on this!  I’ve asked a couple of people and they have told me they like the mix of education pins and home-related pins, but I’m starting to think that it just makes sense to keep things neat, clean, and separate.

After Spring Break, I’m planning to start an early childhood linky party.  I love participating in and browsing through linky parties.  I think they are starting to fade away a bit in the home/decor world, but I can see them being a huge benefit in the education world.  The “teacher” blogs are absolutely exploding right now and I know people are trying to find ways to find each other and get their ideas and products out there.  I need to get through parent/teacher conferences and Spring Break and then I’ll be ready to get going on this.  I can’t wait!

In addition to linky parties, I’m also starting to work on providing webinars for parents and teachers.  I took an online course that taught me the ins and outs of webinars and my friend, Diane, has agreed to help with the techy stuff.  My mind has been spinning with all of the different possibilities.  If you have a topic that you’d love to see made into a webinar, please shoot me an email.  (homeiswheremystorybegins@gmail.com)  Anything related to early childhood, literacy, or Reggio Inspired homes and classrooms are the big areas I’m looking to address.  I already have a couple of writing projects in the works and a BIG project that I will tell you about later in the week.

So, here’s what I’d love from you friends:

  1.  I’d love it if you could follow me on Instagram.
  2. Let me know your thoughts about Pinterest – one account or two??
  3.  Share a topic or two that you’d love to see as a webinar.
  4.   Stay tuned!!