Lemons to Lemonade – A Recipe, Books, and a DVD

I absolutely love cooking and baking with my kids in the classroom.  Following recipes, writing our own recipes, making predictions about what we are going to make, and tasting new things are some of the things I love about bringing food into the classroom.

This one was a no-brainer.


Lemons, sugar, water, and a lemon press.  It didn’t take long for kids to figure out what we were making.  It’s a recipe for yumminess on a hot day.IMG_8126

I had the kids press their own lemons at the beginning, but they soon realized that it was going to take A LOT of lemons to get enough juice for lemonade.  Fortunately, I brought some lemon juice in bottles too.

Here’s the recipe.


2 cups sugar

1 cup hot water

2 cups lemon juice

1 gallon cold water


Dissolve the sugar in hot water.  Add lemon juice and then cold water.  Stir. That’s it!

There are some really fun books out there that have to do with lemonade.  These are the books that I have, and the kids in my class really enjoy them.

lemonade book 4

lemonade book 3

Lemonade book

Last year LeapFrog sent me a video called Counting on Lemonade.  I’ve never seen a LeapFrog dvd that I didn’t love, and this one did not disappoint.  It’s a great video for teaching counting, addition, and subtraction.

counting on lemonade

Alrighty, friends, it’s time to turn lemons into lemonade!  Happy lemon squeezing!