And What Is The Purpose?

Not too long ago I had a group of family and friends over to my house. It didn’t take long for the question to come up, “And what is the purpose of all of these pets?”

Cooper is our 2 year old Labradoodle. Cookie is our newest family member. She’s a Holland Lop and her BFF is Cooper. I have to admit, if I had my way, our house and yard would be filled with animals. Two dogs, two bunnies, and four chickens, to be exact. (I’m guessing that will never happen.) My hubby is not a big animal person. He grew up in a household of people with pet allergies. I, on the other hand, would take in any stray cat or dog I could find. (Just ask my mom!)

Having someone ask me directly about the purpose of the animals in our house really got me thinking. They don’t lay eggs or provide milk for the family, but they still have a purpose. They are family members. They rely on us for everything – food, water, love, companionship. We care for them day in and day out. It teaches responsibility, patience, and animal care. We’ve spent plenty of time pouring over books, learning about rabbit care. Any time my daughter draws or writes, the character is usually a bunny.

I have to say, my #1 reason for wanting pets in our home is my kids. I want them to experience the joy of animals. I love hearing my kids laugh together about something Cookie has done. They have learned to compromise and take turns this Summer, something I never thought I’d see.

How about you? Do you have pets? What do they bring to your life and the lives of your kids?

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1 comment on “And What Is The Purpose?”

  1. katiew

    What don't pets bring? I can't imagine having a household without any? We grew up with three dogs and two cats. If it were up to me, we would have had many more animals. I wouldn't want my kids to live in a house without animals.

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